Life In General

Originally written November 11, 2018

My Spirit Guide has requested this “extra” session this morning to share his thoughts with anyone who would like to receive this guidance. He says: Appreciate life. Especially, appreciate your life. Yes, it can be dreary, sad, tedious, hard . . . all of those things, yet the Divine asks you to try standing in appreciation for just a few moments every day. By the way, Life can be in the negative in moments for ALL, so please don’t feel that someone else, or many someone elses, have it so much better than you do. They don’t. If you will pay attention, even the very most wealthy, healthy, famous and happy still have their times of struggle and want. Each individual has suffering as well as glory, so don’t wish for being someone else or even wish to have their economic or social circumstances as your own.

Wish for the very best life, and very highest good, for YOU. If you stay in the belief that you are worthy of everything good, that is exactly what you will receive. Oh, and time frames: Please don’t get so hung up on those. We all want everything yesterday, but patience and fortitude are wonderful virtues to work at developing. What a chaos your life would actually be if you manifested all things, good and bad, instantly! Can you imagine? You have to allow time for your good thoughts and vibrations to manifest in the Great Spirit’s way and means. The results may not be precisely what you asked for down to the minutiae, but if you consider your original request, you will see how swiftly and accurately it is in fact answered.

Be the brave, thoughtful, generous, kind, forward-thinking Being that Goddess knows you are. You don’t have to feel courageous at the time in order to do courageous acts—and that goes for every other emotion, too. Sometimes when you act the part, you find that, miraculously, you become that . . . and then feel it much later. Don’t be afraid of performing noble acts, regardless of how you or anyone feels about it at the time. You will be brave when you act bravely, in other words.

Allow your emotions, your heart, to rule you rather than your thoughts, your mind. Your heart will never, ever, lead you astray, and that is guaranteed. Trust in both God and yourself, the human, manifested form of the Divine on Earth. You can and will have a beautiful life if you only key in on those people and things you are grateful for. Then, as you add more and more beings and items to your gratitude list, you will automatically be more and more in appreciation in more and more of your minutes and hours in life. This will lead up to that happy, fun, joyous life that everyone wants – and that you will have.