
Originally written November 17, 2018

I asked my Spirit Guide if this implies something violent, and here is his reply: No, no, not at all. What I’m speaking of today has to do with your mind and spirit, your thoughts and feelings, colliding at times. They are such different spheres! Yet, they can work together cohesively to your and everyone’s advantage. What I’m talking about is this: If there is ever a clear-cut choice between what you are currently thinking and what you are currently feeling, go with your feelings every time. Human beings that we all are, the mind wants to be in charge, wants to be the dictator – and the not-so-benign one, at that! – of all that you do, indeed of your whole philosophy of life. While it may seem corny to say, it is your heart that you should be following in all cases.

We won’t go into the mind misleading you or being any negative things, because obviously it can be such a force for the positive, and you absolutely need your brain to make decisions. But you should allow your heart its say, its gentle and loving work, through your mind – which is its channel. That’s it! . . . Channel your own heart through your own mind, and you will have something wondrous going. This puts your feelings at the forefront, which will always be right. What you feel strongly and deeply, and honestly, is what you should base your actions on. Don’t think, “Is this right?” Think instead, “How is this really FEELING to me?”

If if feels good – as many songs have reiterated – DO IT, by all means! Feelings such as heartfelt love, dedication, thoughtfulness, passion, compassion, and all the ones that are so beautiful and joyous, are the ones to follow. You can never be or do wrong when you are “under the influence” of one of the positive emotions. So, take mind: While there are almost infinite decent causes or interests that you could potentially get involved in out in the world, there are probably only a few that you truly should. When you have a decision, a choice, allow your heart to make the final choice in the matter. It will not deceive you or lead you into something you shouldn’t be participating in.

Try not to spread yourself too thin, as well. Every group or action is not for every single person, so you should attempt to be very selective in giving your heart away. There are some people and some actions for everyone, but you’re not meant to try to do and achieve absolutely everything that you lay eyes on. When you are alone, place the potential choices in front of your heart and ask it to choose. It will, and usually lightning fast! Actually, if you are honest, you already know the people, situations and objects that will bring you the most happiness. You have only to make conscious choices and they will be yours.