
Originally written November 10, 2018

My Spirit Guide says: 

I chose this title not to mean coins, but to denote “where we live” spiritually, as in our home or headquarters. Just as in the saying “Home is where the heart is,” your celestial home will be where your highest thoughts and noblest feelings reside. As you can imagine, this state of mind cannot be forced, but it can be gently coaxed to reach higher and higher for better thoughts.

You can make a comfortable and cozy home – in your mind and heart – for yourself and even those like-minded people around you, not so much by monitoring thoughts but rather feelings. When you have feelings toward others such as warmth, happiness, and wishing the best sincerely for them, you know you’re on the right track. As you are beginning to feel antsy, uneasy, and even ornery and mean about some situation or person, you can realize that this isn’t the best and stop to consider how you’re feeling.

It’s no good and ineffectual to attempt completely changing around your feelings right then. Allow them to flow through you naturally, then put your mind on a topic more pleasant to you. This will gradually and easily allow more positive thoughts to enter. You can in addition say a short and simple prayer in that moment. Ask whoever you are comfortable with – your Spirit Guide, Guardian Angel, Ascended Master, Goddess or God – to bless that particular person or occurrence. “Sending the troops in” automatically puts your thoughts on a more productive track.

Make your spiritual home, then, as much to your own liking as possible; after all, that is where your thoughts and feelings will come from. Go there often to refresh and relax, recover and reflect. We in the Afterlife will be there for you and with you, your constant and loving invisible companions. Use us and don’t be hesitant to need us just as we need you. Be as in love with us as we are with you, our beloveds.