
Originally written September 29, 2018

How can we keep a balance of not only mind but also heart, body and soul in the chaotic world we live in?

My Spirit Guide answers: 

This of course is not easy for any of us seeking to walk in the world calmly, intelligently and prayerfully. You have heard that sometimes overused phrase, “Let go and let God,” and this is something that could help. You must, though, truly think on it and allow it to sink into your consciousness and expand, for the Great Spirit is the one – and the One – who is in charge in this world and every world that there is.

It is easy and glib to say, “Pray about it,” but I would say it anyway and also remind you – though you tire of hearing it at times – that it is good, always, to secure a few moments in your day when you can be alone, quiet and at relative peace. Use these moments to attempt as well as you can to let go of worries and concerns for just that tiny, short time. As you keep up this practice every single day, soon these niggling “bothers” will gradually begin to drop off out of your life. Since these worries belong “out there” and not within you, the Universe will gladly take them off of you. . . but as in all things, you must be the one to ask first.

The balance of your entire world, and even the whole Universe, indeed begins with you and your interior world. No one can install peace inside of you forcefully; it is something you have to desire and softly work on to bring to yourself. Shockingly, as your inner calmness becomes balanced, the rest of what you observe out in the world suddenly appears more in line with peace and brotherly love, too.

Do not allow yourself to become jaded and mean-spirited as so many have today. Have faith that as you do good not only for yourself but for others that this reverberates out into the world and even goes beyond your own atmosphere and shoots into the heavens. It’s true! We are all so touched and affected by just one of your sincere smiles, one of your true belly laughs, that you would think it unbelievable – yet it is so.

Yes, it all does begin right within you, but you have to believe and feel this yourself or you will not be convinced. We here in the Afterlife could blather away for the rest of eternity at you, but unless you experience what we’re telling you for yourself deep inside, it is all meaningless. You have to make the attempt to change yourself, and you thereby will change the world – meaning the way that you perceive everyone else and everything else.

Rather than attempting to convince anyone else of convictions that you hold, convince yourself that you are the start and the epitome of this peaceful, “inside job” revolution. Once you begin to feel the calm, the love, even the joy of living, everyone else will, too. Yes, I am quite aware of how corny this all sounds, but you know, some of the hippie ideas of the ’60s were exactly on but were just not implemented at the deep heart and soul levels. If you remember or you even know a little about that time, you can recall the feelings of lightheartedness and fun that were engendered back then. Your heart can throb in excitement in just that way once more, you know.