
Originally written September 22, 2018

Would you please tell us how it came about that you’re a Spirit Guide?  Did you choose this or were you asked to do this by the Divine, and how does this all work out?

My Spirit Guide says: 

This all came about through a combination of the Great Spirit’s and my shared desire.  As well as continuing to be a student of Life, I always had the desire to teach and help others, to guide them along the Way that I had been shown was most efficacious and opening.  This Way of Joy has been stunningly glorious, and it’s something so beautiful that I feel compelled to share it.

The path I’m on goes so beyond the earthly realm that I would love for others – all others, really, if they would so choose – to be on it right along with me. It is a journey that will never end of peace, right living and intense brotherhood and sisterhood with everyone: woman, man, child, animal, plant and even so-called “inanimate objects,” though everything in this world is animated with the Divine breath of Life. To walk this way requires nothing special, religious, philosophical or even spiritual – simply your sincere longing to be one with, and be right with, God and everything It represents, which is EVERYTHING.

I would not say I was specifically chosen as a Spirit Guide so much as I chose myself willingly and joyously for this work.  Everyone, absolutely everyone, has the capacity to do this if they would only see and would then decide for themselves.  No one has the ability to prevent you, nor to encourage and promote you, but yourself, by the way.  We all sometimes think that other people or institutions or groups are standing in our way, but each is her or his own stumbling block along the way.

You can each choose to become someone’s Spirit Guide by simply saying, “YES!” in your mind.  The Great Spirit will then supervise your spiritual training in your present life, much or nearly all of it without your conscious knowing.  You will not be doing this in order to “take over” or dominate anyone else’s life but rather to give them then the benefit of your increased and hugely expanded perspective in the Afterlife.  Your guided one greatly benefits from your attention, knowledge and wisdom, yes, but you as a Spirit Guide will also grow in unseen ways.

It is altogether a flowing process whereby love pours out from you in the Afterlife toward your guided one, but a conduit is also opened so that they, too, can flow love and blessings toward their Guide unobstructed.  To explain all of this in concrete terms is not possible, but when you listen with your heart you will well understand my explanation.  We “Over Here” are anxious for you to learn all of this, yet we know it may take quite a bit of your “time” in order for it to thoroughly sink in and absorb.  Try not to rush or be impatient as far as your comprehension goes.  It will come to you.

Be patient with yourself and with your Spirit Guide.  We truly speak to you all the time, but you must develop an acceptance that we do this.  Please do not kick and push against us, for we dearly love you and desire only to help.  A calm openness helps very much for you to be able to hear and feel us.  We hear every word you say to us and feel every nuance you are feeling.  Speak to us and with us as if we are right here beside you, because we are!  Treat us as you did your “invisible friends” when you were little and completely open to Spirit.  Above all things, please remember that we are all about loving you for you.  You are the most incredible person in the whole Galaxy to us.