
Originally written October 13, 2018

So many, if not all of us, this year have been presented with losses and have worked hard to recover from them – whether they are physical, emotional or spiritual.  My question today is:  How do we now concentrate on the positive aspects of achieving gains in our lives?

My Spirit Guide answers: 

You are correct in stating and assuming that so far this year has been concerned with attempted recovery and reconciliation on many people’s parts. All of you are longing to somehow “get over” something, but you don’t quite know how to achieve this. You may become tired of hearing this – bear with me a few moments – but your solution is to put the emphasis on the end result, which is happiness and peace, rather than the struggle and frustration of trying so hard to “get there.”

When you are in the midst of unhappiness, more struggle to become unmired from this mud pit only makes you sink deeper into it. When you look unhappily and frustratedly at your unhappiness and frustration, it gets worse! If and when you can, think instead in your spare moments of the times when you were supremely happy spontaneously. This could be about anything – and not necessarily something material such as an award received – as long as you were genuinely thrilled and touched in your state of receiving.

For example, think of how superb you felt the last time a friend, relative or even a stranger gave you an unsolicited compliment. You have to admit that this is one of the most joyous moments a person can experience. Even though it lasts only minutes or even seconds, you can bring back the happy emotion of that time and make it last much longer through your imagination. Rather than trying to make lemons into lemonade all the time (which by the way is not a bad idea at all), take a drop of champagne and make it into a flowing fountain of the bubbly stuff! You truly can expand your good times and cause more good times to occur by dwelling on them and thinking, “Now, what more of a fun nature could have or will happen because of this?”

Instead of using your God-given imagination to think about tragedies and disasters, think of all the wonderful instances – and you have to admit, there are many of them – when your heart expanded like the Grinch’s did and grew three times its size! By doing this, you will realize that not only have you had times when your joy truly knew no bounds but that you’ll be having lots more of these times as you appreciate what you’ve had! Because what we think about tends to get even bigger, it makes sense to dwell more on the positive. This is what will cause you beautiful gains in life rather than sad losses.