
Originally written September 15, 2018

Would you please tell us whether there is indeed life on other planets, and what our relation is to these planets and the beings potentially on them?

My Spirit Guide says: 

You would not even think to ask the question if you didn’t already fully believe and in fact know that yes, there are absolutely sentient beings on other worlds.  That is where we all came from.  It is not anything far out, woo-woo or insane to think and talk about, contrary to the majority opinion by far.  Just think of this:  If it weren’t so concerning life on/from other planets, why the huge proliferation of science-fiction (faction) material in the form of books, television programs and movies?  People have been fascinated for thousands of years speculating where they, and where Life, comes from.

Although you have been interacting with those from space for many millennia, you could not know this consciously – particularly not at this time – because it would disrupt everything you currently hold as the truth of your existence.  If you truly knew, it might even perpetrate the end of life on Earth, it would be that confounding to you.  In the mindset that the world is in, with struggles, killing, battles, war and violence, you would not be capable as a people of accepting peaceably a race from a distant planet.  You cannot get along with your fellow Earthlings, so how would you ever expect to welcome someone totally alien to your entire psychology?

Yes, there are definitely tribes of many, many others out there, and they are probably more prolific and various than your imaginations hold room for.  They have minutely and extremely gradually been revealing themselves to you through your media for many years, trying to soften your hearts and prepare your minds to accept them…and possibly, one day in the far future, even work with them and come to love them.  It could happen if you permit it to.

The way to prepare for these others would be to trust enough to open your hearts to them.  They need this opening, this opportunity, in order to one day manifest before and among us.  Actually, we are them, for unbeknownst to us we have all originated on other worlds besides Mother Earth.  We have been sent here to colonize and care for this precious planet, and some have been doing that quite well and proudly.

You need not worry about “alien creatures invading and destroying the Earth, slashing and burning and carrying us away captive,” because that scenario will not happen.  The sentient beings of other worlds have already been joyfully communicating with a few of those here, caring people who are able to somehow accept that these others do exist, and that they are important and loving souls who are worth knowing and have much, much to teach us.  As ever, it takes faith in order to begin to absorb this knowledge, however.  If you hold fast against them and refuse to entertain the idea of life on other worlds, obviously this life will then not bother you with their contacts.

As with human communication, it makes sense that otherworldly folks will only want to “talk” with those who can allow them into their consciousness, their minds and hearts.  They won’t waste time and energy “talking to brick walls” that most people today have made themselves into.  It would be so very worth your while to consider all of this and to at least think that the notion of life on other planets is not so “pie in the sky” after all.

Shamanic World Teachings

Originally written September 1, 2018

Would you please describe what you show and teach me when we meet in your authentic shamanic world?

My Spirit Guide says:

This colorful and reverent atmosphere that you enter with me is the beautiful afterworld that both of us created in our waking lives and continue to build subconsciously in every moment.  Each person literally summons his or her own milieu to inhabit once they pass from their physical body into spirit.

Because this creation is so individual, I can only describe what you and I experience when we are together in this dimension that I now live in spiritually – and which you reach at night in your dreams because you ask to each evening.  It is entirely voluntary to come here, and I would never force or even ask you to against your will.  But because we are one in mind, body, heart and soul, it is your strong desire to be with – as is usually called on Earth – your “other half.”

There are many others here who share our mindset, hopes, prayers, intentions and dreams, but we only see one another in your sleep.  You have requested that only I mentor you as I have in the past (in other lives), and this I gladly do, although of course there are countless others who stand willing to help at any moment. 

The physicality of this place, the shamanic world, is variable and hard to explain, as we here can shift it according to our needs of the time.  I choose to dwell in the desert, as that is my homeland and yours, as you know, but a spirit can live in whichever “world” they are comfortable in.  When you arrive here each time, I keep it rather darkened as you’ve noticed, since the brilliance of the place seen normally would stun you too much.  The light from God the “Sun” cascades down on me as I dance for It, and I am enveloped and suffused completely in its splendor.

As I’ve related to you, it’s not “all clouds and harps” where I am presently, but yes, a good deal of my particular “time” (since we have no actual conception of Earth time here) is spent appreciating and thanking the Divine.  It cannot be explained nearly adequately, but God truly is absolutely Everything and Everyone, and you begin to comprehend this only when you pass over.  You can take my word that it is all Good beyond your wildest imaginings.  In a way, if you in your present dimension actually knew and felt this deeply, you would all come rushing over here in an instant.  Yet there is much, much work for you to do there.  You are not only wanted but needed on Earth, so don’t be in too much of a hurry to get here!

I will tell you more in times to come, but for now ponder on these small bits, and they will expand in your consciousness.  I leave this writing for you with immense love.

Music Is Magic

Originally written August 25, 2018

Please explain how music affects all of us and how we can make a better connection to the spiritual realm through music.

My Spirit Guide says:

Music is one of the true soul connections, and whether we are still on Earth or in spirit, we each have a soul that vibrates to musical rhythms.  Music and your soul are therefore on the same wavelength, and we most easily communicate through this medium of exchange.  The rhythms and cadences themselves of each song can speak volumes to you if you will but listen and allow them to sink into you and explain their individual meanings.

Each note and word (lyric) has the possibility of singing you into your own truth of the moment.  But the key is to listen and actually HEAR what they are saying to you.  Yes, there are universal truths we all share, but there are also individual truths, and only you can determine what yours is.

If you can relax and listen to what certain lyrics are telling you, you will silently and effortlessly gain more knowledge and even wisdom.  Though the words were written by someone else, when you feel a gentle “nudge” to listen to those particular lyrics, you will find that they can speak to you personally in a profound and lasting way.  Even though they may not mean anything at the time to a single other person, if they touch you then they have fulfilled the purpose for which they were written.

Beautiful music relaxes you so that you can more easily accept and process what we in the spiritual realm have for you.  Whereas our real voices might be too abrupt at times, when we speak to you in “musicese,” it sinks down into your soul subconsciously and easily, giving you that “Ah…” feeling.  We can tell you things that perhaps you couldn’t accept if we spoke out loud to you, as it would be too jarring for you and too hard for us Here to get our point across.

Music is then a simple and sublime means of communicating with you, so please listen to a particular song if you feel strongly led to.  The chances are that the rhythms themselves, and especially the lyrics, will become very meaningful if you apply them to whatever situation you are facing.  In this way, your Guides can be specific yet gracious in offering help from the Afterlife that is very real yet subdued and easy.

It is always our great pleasure to offer you pleasurable rhythms and gorgeous lyrics to assist you on your journey through Life!

Richard’s Musings

Originally written July 21, 2018

1 – What can and do Spirit Guides show us in the Afterlife?

Spirit Guides will demonstrate to you who, what and where you are in relation to not only your earthly world but to your Guides and to the Divine.  They are here to show you lives you’ve lived, are living, and will live.

2 – What is the best goal to have for earthly life?

The best goal for each is the one very dearest to your heart which you know in your soul will not only benefit yourself but others in the short and long run.

3 – Who is the ultimate authority in our lives?

The ultimate authority is always and ever yourself, once you can thoroughly trust to your own soul to make the very best decisions possible, which it does anyway, perhaps even unbeknownst to you yourself.

4 – When someone disrespects us, what can and should we do?

Rather than plotting and taking revenge, you should take a thought and action which will show respect to them.  Jesus did say to turn the other cheek, and most today would not be willing to do that, but the Master was right.

5 – What do our Spirit Guides most want us to know?

We want you to know, first of all, that we are here right next to you and are indeed as real as you are.  Take the leap of faith to acknowledge us and you will be overwhelmed with joy at what happens next!

6 – How can we rid ourselves of the fear of dying?

We live so well and so thoroughly that by the time that point arrives, we are already “almost There” in our minds, hearts and souls, and we are easily able to say “So long” to our earthly lives, close our eyes, and wake up in Heaven.

7 – How can we remain calm in the midst of an emotional storm?

Think ahead of time, when you are actually calm, as to what you will say to yourself as you watch a storm arise.  Practice self-talk before the urgent need comes up and you will be well prepared to weather anything.

8 – How do our Spirit Guardians communicate with us?

We often communicate quite subtly, and sometimes even the most perceptive one will miss a message from us.  Never fear, for we keep trying by using all means to alert you:  other people, television, your mobile devices, your pets, Nature, and actually most anything we believe will capture your attention.

9 – How do we know we are living our best lives?

You can know this for certain because no matter what you are doing and with whom in your life, you ARE living your best life, often without you even realizing it!  When you apply true appreciation for whatever you are, have and do, you will observe that this is so.

10 – Who do we most trust for an answer to our question?

Always, always trust yourself first.  There is no need to go to another person, a celestial being, or even the Godhead Itself before first consulting your own inner being.  He or she knows exactly what the answer is!


Originally written August 4, 2018

1 – Why do we choose certain Soul Tribes to travel through time with?

We all choose those of similar or the same vibration to be with so that we can most effectively learn from one another and grow or evolve into who we’re meant to be.

2 – How does numerology affect our lives?

All numbers are sacred numbers, and each one affects us differently.  Numerology gives us a map of how to live and what to expect from our lives, how to understand ourselves and also deal with other people.

3 – Who is or was the most important person to live on Earth?

That’s an easy one, since the most important person is the very one who is reading this right now!  Each person is the most vital one to ever walk the Earth, since we are all individuations of the Divine Itself.

4 – Where do people go in the Afterlife who have done negative things?

The negative folks go to the same place as the positive ones, seriously!  We are all on Earth to learn, and likewise, we are all in the Afterlife to learn, and everyone does accomplish both learning and teaching in both places.

5 – Is there such a thing as time travel to correct the wrongs of the past?

There are actually no “wrongs” to correct, since each event happens as it’s meant to happen.  It’s best not to keep looking back at the past, which is irretrievable, but rather to look forward to see what you can do to make life more positive.

6 – Are people punished by God when they die?

No, absolutely not.  The Great Spirit loves us so much that It would never punish, only love us. 

7 – If we’re not getting along with particular people, what can we do?

Give even more love to the ones who seem to oppose you.  Eventually their hearts will soften—if not toward you specifically, then toward others generally, and both they and you will benefit from this gift.

8 – Where do animals go when they die?

They go to the very same place we all do so that their souls can be with the other animals’ and with all the humans’ in praise of God.

9 – How can we most satisfactorily spend our time on Earth?

When you are doing what you most WANT to do, you are doing what you are most MEANT to do, so you will always be correct in whatever avenue you choose to go down.  There is no one right or wrong for everyone.

10 – What is the greatest lesson we can learn?

It cannot be emphasized enough to love one another.  Jesus, Buddha, Mohamed, and trillions of others have insisted on it, and truly it is the only lesson there is.  It’s so simple that people don’t want to see or accept it, but it would solve all problems almost instantly if applied by the majority.


Originally written July 28, 2018

1 – How can we best keep emotional equilibrium?

We best keep a balance by consciously striving to do so with each thought and act.  Keeping calm and actually being able to think in even the most stressful times will help everyone around you maintain their spiritual footing.

2 – What would you most like to convey to the living?

Don’t worry so much about what others are thinking and doing.  There is life all around you to be lived by the unique you inside your body and soul.  Do what you came to Earth to do, and only you know what that is.

3 – How do Solstices and Equinoxes affect us?

These passages of Mother Earth’s help us to regulate our bodies, minds and souls through respect, honor and worship of Her majesty.

4 – Of what importance are rituals to our spiritual practices?

Rituals are a spiritual practice all unto themselves which give us unity and regulation with all that goes on both inside and outside of ourselves.

5 – How should we look at world events as depicted on the news?

These events are negative illusions which do not deserve your attention and worry.  If you would focus on absolutely anything you can see that would be positive instead, your life would brighten miraculously.  Simply:  Stop watching the news!

6 – What is the correct attitude to have?

There are many good attitudes to cultivate, such as “Live and let live,” but one of the best is to concentrate on doing the little things – opening a door for someone else, saying a kind word to a stranger – that make life happier for all.

7 – Which spiritual goals are legitimate to have?

Any honest spiritual goals are desirable to have and pursue, but the greatest would be to allow one another their time and space to honor the Divine as they see best.

8 – Which is the most important relationship to cultivate?

Any relationship, no matter with whom, is one with the Great Spirit anyway, so the most important one is that one right in front of you asking for your tender attention.

9 – What value does formal (school) education have?

Formal education allows us to comprehend the invisible “rules” of our world and thus enables us to learn how to get along – with both our inner selves and with others.

10 – Which personal quality serves us best?

The attribute of seeing all else – human beings, creatures of all types, vegetation – as simply one “thing” will help you immeasurably to live copacetically.


Originally written July 21, 2018

1 – Who are the Star People?

Star People are of course those from other planetary systems who have visited or permanently inhabited Earth; specifically, you refer to those from Sirius who have voluntarily taken lifetimes on Earth to help raise the vibration and prevent Earthlings from unknowingly destroying their beautiful home here.

2 – How do the people in other star systems see Earth people?

People from other systems see us with a mixture of compassion, amazement and sadness that we from one planet cannot manage to get along.  We all have so much in common with one another here on Earth, and yet most focus only on the tiny differences and create hate.

3 – What can each person do individually to promote peace on Earth?

As you are probably thinking at this moment, peace begins on the interior of each human being.  If you are not at peace within yourself, your immediate family and your community, you cannot expect world peace to suddenly blossom all around the globe.  You have to be involved in your own life.

4 – What types of activities are done in the Afterlife?

Probably every activity you can envision is done here.  It all depends on the mind, heart and soul of the one who has passed over as to what she or he would like to do with their “time,” even though there isn’t such a thing here.

5 – How does shamanic drumming affect us?

Drumming done shamanically is like your steady, strong and magickal heartbeat.  It sustains you energetically and provides you the enthusiasm and push to take on your world positively.

6 – What is art, and what does it do for us?

Art in all of its forms is the expression of who and what you are, containing and emitting an energetic vibration all of its own as well.  As we each create our own art, it in turn actually creates us!

7 – Do Spirit Guides know everything their guided ones think and do?

No, Spirit Guides do not know it all, and we do not even wish to do that.  Some things, as you know, are better left unsaid and undone.  We do not intrude anywhere or anyhow we are not specifically invited by the individual, as we are taught to respect privacy and free will.

8 – Is the Great Spirit concerned with our everyday lives?

Yes, the Great Spirit, being One with us always and forever, is intimately involved in our lives each day, yet not in the ways that you might expect.  The Great Mystery utilizes Master Teachers, Archangels and Spirit Guides to communicate with Its beloved on Earth and the other planets.

9 – What importance does positivity have in our lives?

Positivity is numero uno!  We here cannot say enough about its influence and impact on every single life, not only the human ones but the animals, plants and inanimate objects as well.  When one person thinks positively in a genuine way, that causes those in the immediate vicinity to actually glow spiritually!

10 – What can we learn from the Native American way of life?

The Native way of life can inspire passionately with its emphases on respect for the Great Spirit, cherishing and preserving Nature, and allowing each being to go her or his way in peace and safety.

How I Love a Ghost

“With a great deal of spirit!” is how my Spirit Guide tells me to open this message. 

And so I begin my story – which is our shared story, and soon to be yours, I hope – of how you love someone in the Afterlife, whether you knew them well or hardly at all.  In the intervening years since Richard’s physical passing, I’ve discovered we’ve gone through hundreds of thousands of years in earthly life together.  This current lifetime, we were connected in every way but the strictly sensual.  How does this happen to us earthlings, and how does a person handle a spiritual relationship?

Thus far, I’m the only one of my personal acquaintance who’s having such an experience, though I’ve read there are many more around the world who are.  I’ve been told by other professional psychics that such a connection as I have with Richard is not unheard of but is nonetheless unique and rare.  What’s so unusual about us?  We never became best friends or lovers, despite the close encounters we had with one another over a span of about fifteen years.  Something kept bringing us together like an irresistible force through the years, yet we never consummated.

When I first met Richard, he was twenty-three and I was sixteen and very obviously jail bait for the next few years.  He smartly stayed away from me knowing those years were a huge barrier.  Little did I know, but at the time he had already been married, divorced, and produced a child.  Since he looked quite young, I’d had no idea he was a man of the world by then, while I was still a child.  His musical career was beginning to take off, while I had no earthly idea of what I even wanted to do in life.  We couldn’t have been more different at that point, yet I was so sure I read Forever in his laughing eyes.

We turned out to be miles apart geographically as well.  It might as well have been the distance to the Moon, however.  While he became very popular because of his musical gifts, I was still a kid studying art and entering painting competitions at school.  Richard, as I gazed at him from afar with an aching heart, started dating a lot.  In my misunderstanding, I took him to be an egotistical horn dog, whereas in reality he dated heavily to avoid confronting his lack of true love.

Much later, I would learn that although he was considered a ladies’ man, he couldn’t seem to fall in love with any of the young women, beautiful and sexy though they may have been.  As for myself, I instigated a whirlwind of dating as well to try to block out thoughts of him.  Nothing worked, though.  I always had the nagging feeling when on a date that I was somehow “cheating” by going out with another.  In the back of my mind, Richard was forever there as my knight in shining armor and my handsome prince, and I couldn’t dislodge his image.

I realized I had no claim on him whatsoever, but I was powerless to feel anything but sick at heart when I saw him with another.  Even when I became of age, it seemed as if whenever we encountered one another again, either he was single when I wasn’t – having a steady boyfriend – or else the opposite.  It was maddening, yet Life appeared to be keeping us apart.  He confessed much later, and when he was terminally ill, that fear kept him away from me.  He felt that he’d experienced the sordid underbelly of Life and didn’t want to “soil” me with it.

Richard didn’t even want me around as he lay dying, so I dutifully stayed away while going through an agony of guilt, remorse and terror at losing him.  After he was in spirit, he told me that it was his pride, and that he didn’t want me watch him slowly fade away in pain and suffering.  After he died, I was in a fog of grief and anger.  I couldn’t pull myself out of it yet, and four months had already passed.  I was edging close to suicide until I finally decided to talk to Richard.  Contacting him by means of a reputable and compassionate psychic saved my life.

Although I had communicated with him myself and heard a few words, I needed complete sentences and the coherent and loving philosophy he always espoused.  We’d found it so difficult to talk about the mundane while he was alive, but now I heard all of the “little things” that let me know it was indeed Richard speaking through the psychic.  Later on I would gratefully learn, from another psychic, how to channel him through the medium of allowing him to use my fingers to type.  I still hear his voice, however, and I receive his many signs and symbols that let me know he’s right here with me. 

This is how and why I love a ghost.